See available puppies pictured below:
Shihpoo litter born 11-19-2024 there are 4 boys available. They have had their dewclaws removed and go home with current vaccinations and dewormings. They all have very sweet personalities.
Shihpoo male Black with white chest, available $1600.
Shihpoo male Dark Brown, available $1600
Shihpoo male Black with white on chest, available $1600
Shihpooo Litter Born 11-25-2024, they have had their dewclaws removed and go home with a well puppy vet check age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings. They are very sweet and loving and nestle right into you when being held.
Shihpoo male White with brown ears and brown spot on back, available $1600
Shihpo male White with half brown face and several brown spots on back , available $1600
Shih Tzu litter born 12-3-2024 He has had his dewclaws removed and is a happy little puppy, he goes home with current vaccinations and dewormings and a well puppy vet check.
Shih Tzu male Solid Gold with a Black mask, Available $1600
The parents are AKC full bred dogs with excellent conformation and correct coat tyes for their breed most have AKC Champion lineage. They are specially choosen to produce the best hybrids that are good for people with allergies,make wonderful family pets and are non-shedding.
I do not always have puppies available and sometimes go 6 months or longer before puppies may be available.
To see what puppies are available, please click on the breed page below.