I, Robert Pierce, agree to sell this ___________ puppy, sex ________,
date of birth _______________, color/markings______________
Litter Registration Number___________________

It is understood that at the time of sale, this puppy is representative of its breed. It is structurally and mentally suited as a companion dog and sold as a pet only. There is no guarantee about breeding ability and I recommend spaying or neutering at 6 months or at least by one year of age. The size as an adult is an estimate.  This pup is guaranteed for 1 year against any genetic health irregularites that render the pup unsuitable as a pet (puppy has to be euthanized) You are required to have the puppy examined by a verterinarian within 5 business days (at the buyers expense), you must also take a stool sample from the puppy with you to the first vet visit. If you do not take the puppy to the vet within the first 5 business days your contract is void and you assume all cost and care related to any issues that arise without any compensation or without a replacement puppy. I am not responsible for any dental work (braces, teeth extraction) or cosmetic surgery. During the first vet visit, if the puppy is found to have a minor illness or problems (cocidia, girardia, etc) I will pay for corrective measures necessary not to exceed the price of the pup. This is for medication only. Any tests or procedures are the buyers responsibility other than the medicines needed, as stated previously. A replacement puppy will be given upon return of the puppy if a genetic defect renders the pup unsuitable as a pet if another puppy is available otherwise are replacement puppy will be given out of the next available litter.  In all cases a letter from the attending veterinarian will be required. All monies paid on the puppy is non-refundable. No other guarantee is given unless the pup is found to have a genetic health problem during the first year that causes a shorter than normal lifespan. A replacement puppy will then be offered no monies will be refunded.

Not covered under this contract:

Umbilical hernias and pinched nostrils are very common in the Shih Tzu breed and if the puppy has a hernia the repair is usually done when the puppy is spay or neutered as recommended by your veterinarian. 

Pinched nostrils tend to be worse during the time when the puppy is teathing.  If the puppy as pinched nostrils most will open up by time the puppy is 1 year of age, you may also ellect to talk with you veterinarian about doing surgery to open the nostils, however, this typically is not necessary.

Puppies should not be given a Lepto shot until it is at least 1 year of age, giving this shot can cause adverse reactions to many small breeds.  If the puppy receives this shot before one year of age the new owner accepts the risk of an adverse reaction and all medical expenses that are related.

Puppies are susceptible to many airborne viruses until their immune system in fully developed.  I do not recommend taking your puppy to ANY public places (dog parks, common hiking/walking sidewalks or trails, public parks, roadside rest areas, pet stores or grooming shops, etc) where other animals roam, play, are present until your puppy has completed its 3 sets of puppy shots.   This is for the safety of your pet as animal feces can harbor diseases and parasites that can harm your puppy. Parvouvirus in extremely contagious and your puppy can be exposed to this virus at any of these public places.  Once exposed the puppy will show simptoms of the virus 3-5 days after exposure.  Your puppies health has been guarded and protected while in our care.  We are not responsible for your puppy being exposed to parvouvirus once your puppy has left our premise and you are solely responsible for any and all vet care once you take your puppy home.

Purchase Price __________         

Non-Refundable Deposit_______________ 

Buyers Name____________________________________________________ 


Phone Number________________________ Email_________________________ 


Robert Pierce

152 S. Raynolds Ave, Canon City, CO 81212      Signature___________________________ 

719-330-9986                                              Date of Sale _______________________